[An introduction]
Bem-vinde! Fiz isso com essa coisa aqui!
como a google eh paunocu e eu n consigo dar autoplay nessa coisa, clica no video pro site ter musiquinha huashuashu
Fazer um site eh muito maneiro.
Atencaum: eu naum tenho ideia de como q programa isso lmao.
Minha tentativa de aprender HTML e ressucitar sites pessoais dos anos 90, quando criatividade ditava a web
Testes aleatorios de comandos html e CSS em seguida, como esse proprio paragrafo, com uma classe propria
Row 1, cell 1 | Row 1, cell 2 | Row 1, cell 3 |
Row 2, cell 1 | Row 2, cell 2 | Row 2, cell 3 |
Row 3, cell 1 | Row 3, cell 2 | Row 3, cell 3 |
Row 4, cell 1 | Row 4, cell 2 | Row 4, cell 3 |
This is crazy
This web site is about HTML and CSS.
So I asked Bob about quotations on the Web and he said I know as much about quotations as I do about pigeon fancying
. Luckily, I found HTML Dog and it said:
blockquote and q are used for quotations. blockquote is generally used for standalone often multi-line quotations whereas q is used for shorter, in-line quotations.
According to the Bible, after six days God said screw this for a lark, I'm having a nap
Bob's canine mother and equine father sat him down and carefully explained that he was an allopolyploid organism.
[An introduction]
Welcome to the Ra ra banjo banjo page. Ra ra banjo banjo. Ra ra banjo banjo. Ra ra banjo banjo.
(Ra ra banjo banjo)